Challenge:  Peak was engaged to build two speculative warehouses, 406,000 and 167,000 square feet, constructed concurrently during the summer of 2020.  In addition to COVID-19 related challenges, the site possessed acidic soils which required strategic mitigation.

Solution:  After collaborative communication and planning, including regulatory authorities and the Soil Conservation District, the project team put forth a successful plan of action.  First, extensive soil testing was conducted to determine specific contaminants providing crucial data for decision-making.  Disposal options were then reviewed and on-site soil remediation was selected to avoid hauling and off-site disposal costs.  Next, an innovative soil management technique was utilized.  The top two feet of soil from areas identified as acidic were excavated and relocated to designated areas for berm construction.  Berms were strategically placed on top of acidic soils, serving a dual purpose of containment and site elevation modification.  Berms and excavated areas were then covered with clean, imported topsoil ensuring a stable and non-acidic top layer conducive to vegetation growth and site stabilization.