Challenge: Peak was challenged with constructing a new industrial park comprised of sitework, infrastructure and the first of three million-plus square foot speculative warehouse/distribution centers.  The large multi-year project encountered challenges including permit timing, utility lead time delays, utility equipment delays, crossing utility lines and easements, site access, and a nationwide concrete shortage.

Solution: This substantial and complicated project required a comprehensive and detailed strategy to facilitate milestone completions.  Permit delays were mitigated by Peak creatively amending the schedule to begin construction out of sequence, which allowed the project to start in the field.  Peak worked with the city and utility vendors to shorten as much as possible the lengthy process, and subsequent delays, associated with the utility lines and easements crossing the site.  With significant electrical service lead time and switchgear equipment delays well beyond average, Peak kept the project moving by deploying temporary generators until service and switchgear were installed.  The approved original construction site access was temporarily changed after the project start.  Peak worked with the city and neighbors to innovatively accommodate the longer truck route and higher volume of traffic and trucks on the road to reduce congestion.  While the industry was experiencing a nationwide concrete shortage, Peak’s relationship with their subcontractor partners allowed them to pre-buy concrete at a premium to lock in the order avoiding a delay.  Ultimately, the project was successfully completed.